Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Eight - Tuesday Kate's post

Greenie did the big post today but I wanted to share some great pictures from the day....

Charles Yarfoh, Headmaster of Tuskegee International Schools

Greenie helped me organize materials and kept me focused today. I got to observe Greenie in action with the students. As you can see in the pictures below, when Greenie sits down it is like moths to a flame. Her bright lights shines, and the children simply cannot resist. She turned filling ziplock bags with base-10 cubes into an important lesson on place value. Fabulous!

Joanna and Grace, two of my math students from JHS 1 (Parker's 6th grade)

Kotay, rightfully proud of his drafting work - Joey and students drafting....

One of the snacks available at the school store: Obama Biscuits!

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