Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day Twelve -Saturday Siesta

Today was supposed to be a big work (ie heavy labor sanding and sawing) day, but it ended up not nearly so busy as last Saturday. No kids showed up. Mac, Madam Fausty’s son, told me that every one was home watching Super Man. It must have been an extended version.

We left school early......
Joey and Greenie walking from school to the Meaglent Hotel

and now Joey, Greenie and I are sitting by the pool, enjoying various minerals, and talking about Big Brothers and Sisters programming, Corinthian Council business (even across the Atlantic your representatives are hard at work) music, love, and of course the work of Tuskegee International.

at the pool

This is part of our routine. Each day, after work we come back to the hotel, around 5pm, and check email in the office (which is the hotel lobby), download pictures, eat mini-Luna bars, drink water and chat. It is an important part of the day – we get to process , socialize and, most often, laugh, laugh, laugh.

An unanticipated gift from the trip is the close friendships that we have formed because our shared experiences .

Mac and Jacqueline, Madam Fausty’s niece, took most of these pictures today. I think they’re pretty good!


And, of course, the ubiquitous chickens…

1 comment:

  1. It's good to see you have some down time. It's fourth of July here and the fireworks are filling the sky as I write. Take care.
